One of the most important ways of reducing tooth decay in children is to reduce the amount of foods containing sugars – especially between meals.

Each time we eat food and drinks high in sugars, the bacteria in dental plague produces acids that attacks teeth; this will lead to tooth decay.

That’s why at nursery we only give the children milk and/or water to drink and offer ‘sweet’ things such as fruit alongside meals, followed by a drink of milk to reduce the acid build up on the teeth.

Remember to brush your children’s teeth at least twice a day – last thing at night and at least one other occasion and use a fluoride toothpaste.  As soon as your child gets their first tooth then start brushing their teeth/tooth. Check out the handy Factsheet to help you keep your child’s mouth healthy.

Factsheet (

Ensure you make regular visits to the dentist with your child – prevention is key. Once a tooth has been filled it will require care and maintenance throughout life. Let’s support our children to be aware of what good oral health means. Talk to them about it, make it a pleasant experience and ensure that they brush daily.

During the day whilst they are playing have a spare toothbrush which they can brush their babies and dolls/teddy’s teeth. Read stories about tooth brushing and sing songs

Brush, brush, brush your teeth (Tune ‘Row, row, row your boat’)

‘Brush, brush, brush your teeth Brush them every day

We put toothpaste on our brush To help stop tooth decay

Clean, clean, clean your teeth Clean them every day

Your teeth will sparkle for years to come In the most beautiful way

Brush, brush, brush your teeth Brush them every day Happy, healthy teeth you’ll have If it’s

done this way.’


Whether it’s their first tooth, or their visit to the dentist, a child’s early experiences of oral health can impact on the rest of their life.

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